Content Tagged: Third party options

Important issues to consider when using a known sperm donor

A recent court ruling in Kansas highlights the benefits of involving a licensed physician and attorney when using a sperm donor. A US man William Marotta responded to an online ad placed by a lesbian couple, Angela Bauer and Jennifer Schreiner who were looking for a sperm donor. The couple used “at home insemination” with […]

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My partner and I were recently told by our fertility specialist that my eggs are no longer viable and our only chance of getting pregnant is through the use of donated eggs. After considering known versus anonymous egg donation, we decided we’re more comfortable using a known donor. How would you suggest I approach my younger sister about being an egg donor for us, without making her feel pressured?

Written by our mental health expert, Emily Koert, Ph.D. Candidate and Registered Clinical Counsellor.  Many people in your situation express anxiety about how to ask someone in their life for this very special and precious gift. They worry about being rejected or putting the potential donor in a position where they feel they don’t have […]

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Giving my daughter and grandchild the gift of life

My name is Helen. I just turned 53 and my husband Bob and I celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary this past year. We have three beautiful children: Pamela, who is 26, Jonathan who is 24, and Peter who is 21. Pamela married her husband Jason two years ago. She’s always known that she wanted to […]

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New law enforces visa restrictions on those seeking surrogacy in India

A proposed law that effectively bans single, gay individuals or couples, and common law couples from accessing surrogacy in India has now been implemented. Read more about the proposed law and the use of surrogacy in India here. This law stipulates that those seeking to enter India for surrogacy services must now apply for a […]

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