Archive for July 2013


Different paths to motherhood

Like many experiences in life, popular culture often depicts only one version of women’s transitions to motherhood – one that is perceived to be much like a fairy-tale for some women. Although the process of becoming a mother is often depicted as happening naturally and relatively easily once a woman finds a suitable partner, the […]

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New guidelines support single embryo transfer for young women undergoing IVF

An important new guideline for in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments in Canada states that only one embryo should be transferred into the uterus of women under the age of 35, who have a good prognosis of achieving a pregnancy. For younger women with a “poor prognosis” for achieving pregnancy, transferring two embryos is the recommended […]

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Keeping it in the family: Helping my brother become a father

Hi, I’m Tate. My younger brother Drew was diagnosed with testicular cancer when he was 17. He went through treatment and had one of his testicles removed. Not exactly what your normal 17 year old guy expects to be dealing with! I was 18 then, and just heading off to college. I felt bad being […]

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World’s first baby born from a new “natural” IVF procedure that may be safer and less risky

As part of the typical treatment during in vitro fertilization (IVF) a woman is injected with artificial hormones (human chorionic gonadotropin hCG) to help her produce viable eggs, which are then extracted from her ovaries, fertilized with a man’s sperm, and inserted into her uterus. However, a new IVF procedure involves using a naturally occurring […]

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