Archive for August 2012

People with Kids Happier

Breaking News: People with kids are happier than people without kids

Think parents are miserable and unhappy? Not so, according to a recent research study conducted across three universities including the University of British Columbia. A study on a large sample of Canadian and US men and women examined whether parents evaluate their lives more positively than childless adults, whether parents feel better than childless adults […]

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Determining your personal “fertility window”

We’ve all heard stories about women who had intercourse just once and ended up getting pregnant. But the reality is that there is only a small window of opportunity each month in which getting pregnant is possible. This “peak” time occurs in the middle of a woman’s menstrual cycle if, and when, she ovulates (when […]

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Financing Fertility Treatments

Financing now available for fertility treatments

Individuals and couples who need fertility treatments to have a baby are often faced with the burden of having to pay for expensive drugs and treatments that aren’t covered by health insurance. Some end up not being able to have kids because they can’t afford to pay for treatments such as IVF – which often […]

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Relationship Difficulties

I’m 38 and have always wanted to have children. My current partner is 42 and says he is willing to have a child with me – but he has a very short fuse and gets very pouty when he’s not getting all my attention. I’m seriously questioning whether he’ll make a good father, but I don’t feel I have time to end this relationship and find someone else to have kids with. What should I do?

Written by our mental health expert Janet Takefman, Ph.D. Good parenting involves many specialized skills, attributes, and sacrifices. However, there is really no way to determine who will make a good parent and who will not. Many people, men and women alike, step up to the plate when they become parents and even surprise themselves […]

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