Author Archive

Managing the holidays when you don’t have kids

I’m one of those women who “missed the boat” – I didn’t ever find the “right” guy to settle down with, and as a result, never had children. I wanted to have kids – especially once I reached my mid-30s – but I couldn’t imagine being a single mom. I just didn’t think that I […]

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Frozen and fresh sperm equally effective after sperm extraction

In some cases of male factor infertility when a man is unable to produce sperm (e.g. due to cancer, a physiological obstruction preventing the sperm from being released, paralysis, non-obstructive azoospermia), a medical procedure can be done where sperm are surgically removed from his testicles during a biopsy (testicular sperm extraction or TSE). Typically, the […]

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Dietary changes may help improve fertility for women with PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a medical condition that affects approximately 5-10% of women and may cause infertility. Common symptoms include excessive weight, excess facial or body hair, anovulatory menstrual cycles (e.g., infrequent ovulation), mood swings, and metabolic disturbances (e.g., insulin resistance, higher levels of male hormone, high cholesterol). Women with PCOS may be prescribed […]

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Admitting we’re childfree-by-choice

My name is Eva. I have a sweet husband, Craig, who is 44. We’ve been married for the last 10 years. I just had my 38th birthday. I work as a personal assistant to an executive producer in a large film company. I’ve had the opportunity to travel a lot for work. The fact that […]

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