Content Tagged: older parenthood

Why I waited to have kids: Two women share their experience of delayed motherhood

Women who are considering delaying childbearing might appreciate reading the recently released books by Sarah Ivens and Victoria Young, which highlight the upsides and downsides of older motherhood. Sarah Ivens, from Chigwell in Essex, UK, is 39 and married her husband Russell when she was 33. She had her first baby, William, at age 35, […]

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The downsides of later parenthood

Barbara Metcalfe loves being a mother, but she now wishes that she had her children when she was younger. She initially was a strong advocate for the position that older women made better mothers based on their patience, experience and financial security. Two years ago in a Daily Mail Online article, Barbara said she firmly […]

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Rising number of twins and triplets born to mothers in their 40s

As more women are using IVF to have children in their 40s, the number of multiple births to this group of parents is rising. The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in the United Kingdom indicate that in 2013, due to efforts to limit the number of embryos transferred during an IVF […]

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More women having children later: 1 in 5 new mothers age 35 or over

The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) indicate that more than half of the babies born in Britain in 2013 were born to women over 30, and 1 in 5 new mothers were 35 or older. The average first-time mother in the UK is now 28.3 years old. The trend towards older […]

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