22nd September 2014 | by MFC Team
When is enough, enough? Aisha Tyler shares experience of stopping fertility treatments
Although in the past Aisha Tyler has been vocal about her experiences with infertility and medical treatment, in recent interviews, she is opening up about her decision to stop treatment and to remain childless. After undergoing a few rounds of IVF, she and her husband learned it was very unlikely that they would be able to conceive – so although it was difficult, they made the decision to stop.
Aisha talks about the incredible societal pressure couples can feel to have children. She said she’s sharing her story because:
“I wanted families [and] couples to know that it was a valid choice not to get on this crazy merry-go-round of IVF and tens and tens of thousands of dollars… I wanted people to feel – men and women – it’s okay to say, ‘I love my marriage, I love my life, I choose not to have children’…People who do what I do for a living can afford that stuff, but most people can’t. They mortgage their homes and they break themselves.”
Aisha’s story highlights the fact that despite what is promoted in the media, fertility treatments can’t help everyone become pregnant. She believes that focusing on career over family is a “completely valid choice” and that“no one should ever feel embarrassed about that.”
Read more about Aisha Tyler’s infertility experience here.
Read more about Aisha’s latest interview here.
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