Archive for December 2012

Taking the Plunge

Taking the plunge while we’re still young

My husband Dan and I met during our first year of college. We had lots of fun together as college students, but both knew we wanted to settle down once we finished school. We graduated, found jobs, got married, and bought a house all in the same year. Phew – it was a busy time! […]

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Happy Donor Family

Families created with donor sperm reported to be ‘just as happy’

The results of a recent study conducted by the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS), and published in the journal Human Reproduction, suggest that compared to other kinds of families, those created with donor sperm function equally as well. These families are headed by parents that are just as loving and psychologically healthy as parents […]

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My husband and I are in our mid-30s and are the parents of a wonderful 2 year old. We want to have another child soon, so our daughter doesn’t grow up as an only child. But I had a severe case of post-partum depression after our daughter was born and I’m terrified that it could happen again. How do we make this decision?

Written by our mental health expert, Dr. Janet Takefman.   I certainly understand your fear and can reassure you that many women have asked themselves this same question. In fact I often recommend a book by Karen Kleiman who founded the Postpartum Stress Center in Philadelphia ( entitled, “What Am I Thinking? Having A Baby After […]

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Children born to mothers and fathers over age 40 may have a higher risk of developing autism

The number of reported cases of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has been increasing in the last 20 years. ASD includes a range of developmental disorders that are characterized by communication difficulties, social deficits, repetitive behaviors and actions, and in more severe cases cognitive and language delays. There does not appear to be one specific cause […]

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