Content Tagged: career

Financial tips: Can you afford to have a baby?

When deciding if you’re ready to become a parent, the question of whether or not you can afford to have a baby is an important consideration for many individuals and couples. A blog post on by Amanda Reaume, provides some suggestions for how to prepare your finances for parenthood. They include: 1. Make a […]

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Planning the timing of my pregnancy and maternity leave

My partner Luke and I have decided that we’re going to start trying to have a baby! I’ve been charting my fertility and ovulation using an app, so I have a good idea of when I’m most fertile. Luke and I are both teachers, so I’m hoping to time the pregnancy so that I’m due […]

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More women considering childlessness for fear of risking their career

A new survey conducted in the UK sheds light into women’s perceptions and experience of the impact of motherhood on their career. The survey of 2,000 British women was conducted by the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT). Half of the women had children while half were childless. Results showed that over half of the women […]

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The impact of unemployment on women’s fertility

Previous research has highlighted the short-term impact between unemployment and women’s fertility. A new study conducted at Princeton University in the United States offers new information about this trend. The researchers found that women who were unemployed in their 20s tended to have fewer children than women who worked during that decade – a trend […]

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