Archive for June 2013

Bucking the trend: Having kids in our 20’s

My name is Olga and my husband’s name is Andrei. There’s been so much in the news these days about people waiting to have kids until they’re in their 30s and 40s. We did it differently and want to share our story. Andrei and I grew up in the same mid-sized city and we went […]

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The relationship between ovulation and reward-seeking

Have you ever wondered why you might crave particular foods or be attracted to certain people before getting your period? A series of studies to be published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology may help explain why. The results of these studies suggest that there is a relationship between ovulation and variety-seeking in “rewards domains” […]

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Age and method of freezing affects the success of egg freezing

Fertility preservation for women involves undergoing the first half of an IVF cycle – with hormones being used to stimulate egg production and eggs being surgically retrieved from the woman’s ovaries. These eggs are then frozen by one of two methods – slow freezing (SF) or rapid freezing through vitrification (VF). In the future when […]

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