Content Tagged: male fertility

Ice Cubes

Icing your testicles in order to have a baby? An unusual male fertility fix

It is estimated that 1 in 6 couples experience difficulty conceiving, with 30% of those problems being caused by problems with the male partner’s fertility. In the face of those statistics, increasingly men are being encouraged to try to improve their fertility through lifestyle changes, as well as other natural and sometimes unusual, “fertility fixes.” […]

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The end of vasectomies? Injectable gel could provide temporary birth control for men

Not ready for a vasectomy? A new injectable gel may provide men with a temporary option for contraception. Scientists in San Francisco at the Parsemus Foundation are developing a substance called Vasalgel. It can be used as an injectable barrier that seals the small tube called the vas deferens that carries sperm to be ejaculated. […]

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I had a vasectomy about 10 years ago after my wife and I had our third child and decided our family was complete. We have since divorced. I am now partnered with a wonderful woman and we hope to have a family together. What is involved in a vasectomy reversal and what the likelihood of the reversal being successful, given that my vasectomy was 10 years ago?

Written by our medical expert Dr. Stephen Hudson, Director of the Victoria Fertility Centre in British Columbia, Canada. This is a very commonly asked question and I am glad to have the opportunity to answer it. First of all approximately 5% of men who have had a vasectomy choose to have it reversed, so as […]

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7 gadgets and apps to help track your fertility

Fox News recently profiled 7 new gadgets and smart phone apps that can help women get healthy and optimize and track their fertility. They include: Wink: Kindara’s Wink includes a wireless oral fertility thermometer to record basal body temperature. The thermometer syncs with a fertility app to help a woman track her menstrual cycle, cervical […]

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