20th April 2015 | by MFC Team
Women gives birth to twins thanks to eggs donated by her sister
A woman who spent 6 years and £7,000 trying to conceive is now a mother to twins thanks to eggs donated by her sister. Lisa Blake, 41, and her partner Stephen, 37, were diagnosed with unexplained fertility. They underwent 4 unsuccessful rounds of in vitro fertilization (IVF) and were told that their chances of having a baby were less than 4% unless they found an egg donor. Seeing how much they longed to become parents, Lisa’s younger sister Julie, 35, and mother to two children already, offered to donate her eggs.
In December 2013, Lisa became pregnant with embryos created from Julie’s eggs and Stephen’s sperm, and gave birth to healthy twin baby boys Joshua and Harrison in July 2014. Now 8 months old, Joshua and Harrison are thriving. Lisa says:
“I still can’t believe I’m a mum and I can’t wait to celebrate Mother’s Day with the boys.
I’ll be forever grateful to my sister for giving me the best present ever: motherhood.”
Read more about egg donation here and here.
Read more here.
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