9th February 2015 | by MFC Team
Four little girls named Hope and their mothers share their inspiring stories
A recent article in the Daily Mail Online profiled the stories of four mothers who overcame incredible odds to have their daughters – who they fittingly named “Hope”. They include:
Becky Dennis, 35, and Hope, age 4
Hope was born profoundly deaf after Becky had previously experienced 5 miscarriages because her overactive immune system was destroying her embryos. “Miracle” baby Hope was the youngest child to receive cochlear implants at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London, and is now able to chatter and sing her favourite songs.
Sarah Rollings, 27, and Hope, age 20 months
After Sarah discovered she was pregnant, she was devastated to learn that her baby, Hope, had a 5-10% chance of surviving because she hadn’t developed a diaphragm. Hope was operated on while still in Sarah’s uterus. After being born, she remained in intensive care for 5 weeks before returning home with her parents. Now almost 2, Hope is a happy and healthy little girl.
Alice Jolly, 48, and Hope Kinsella, age 3
Hope was born with the help of an egg donor and surrogate after her parents tried unsuccessfully to have a second child over the course of nine years. Her birth was a special gift for her parents, who had experienced four miscarriages and one stillbirth prior to Hope’s joyful arrival in their lives 3 years ago.
Carmen Daniels, 47, and Hope, age 15
Hope was born after the deaths of her elder sister, Charly, and her brother, Rhys – both of whom passed away due to an inherited and incurable genetic disorder. As her mother shares, “Hope was the light that led Barry [Hope’s father] and me out of a very dark place.”
Read more about the inspiring stories here.
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