28th January 2015 | by MFC Team
Woman shares her experience of growing up with same-sex parents
“I have same-sex parents, and everything is fine”
So begins Lizzie Fierro’s account of growing up with same-sex parents – in fact, 3 mothers in total after her parents separated and 1 parent remarried. She shares that she used to feel self-conscious about her family because she worried that people wouldn’t understand her experience. It was hard for her because she didn’t see her family represented anywhere. She found it frustrating that people didn’t ask about her experience, but instead made assumptions about how she felt. What Lizzie wanted most was to know that others had grown up with similar experiences – which is why she decided to share her story. Lizzie says that over time, she has realized:
“I’m lucky to have the family I do. Not everyone recognizes it—I’ve certainly read my fair share of articles about the alleged horrors that having same-sex parents means for a child—but I truly am lucky. For me at least, more parents means more shoulders to cry on, more voices to phone, and more love to give and receive.”
Lizzie concludes her story with the hope that:
“In the future… other children will see their experiences growing up in unconventional families as something to be shared, rather than hidden, and their feelings about their experiences to be spoken about, rather than assumed.”
Read more about Lizzie’s experience here.
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