23rd October 2013 | by MFC Team
Grateful mothers and their surrogates share their stories
A recent article in the Daily Mail Online, highlighted the stories of four women who became mothers thanks to their four respective surrogates.
Thirty-three year old Naomi and her husband have a nine month old daughter, thanks to their neighbour Hayley, who carried the pregnancy for them. Hayley already has three children with her husband, and wanted to help Naomi and her husband have a child of their own.
Thirty-seven year old Elif was born without a uterus. She and her partner have a two year old son thanks to Elif’s best friend Lily, who offered to become a surrogate for them. Lily is married and already had two children before becoming a surrogate and carrying her friend’s child.
In an amazing act of sisterly love, thirty-nine year old Amanda is now mom to two daughters: a five year old, and two year old thanks to her little sister, Sam who carried the pregnancies for her. Amanda and her husband had already done 15 cycles of IVF before they turned to Sam to be a surrogate for them.
Thirty-two year old Katy and her husband were also the benefactors of family love and are the proud parents of a one year old daughter. Katy was born with a genetic condition that prevented her womb and ovaries from developing. So Katy’s sister Lucy donated eggs that were fertilized by Katy’s husband’s sperm. The embryo was then carried by Katy’s husband’s sister Jaime.
Although some people worry about the social and emotional complexities of surrogacy, particularly when the surrogate is a friend or family member, these stories are examples of the incredible gift that surrogacy can be – for the intended parents and for the surrogate who helps them realize their dream of becoming parents.
Read these women’s stories here.
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