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29th September 2015
A new chapter after my 8 IVFs that didn’t work out
My name is June. Not all of us waited until 40 to try IVF. I got married at 28 to a divorced guy aged 48 and had had a vasectomy after having had his 3 kids. I knew about the vasectomy before we were married, and I knew that the procedure was reversible. Well, what […]

3rd April 2015
Using my partner’s brother as our sperm donor
My name is Susan and my wife’s name is Lucy. I met Lucy at a friend’s wedding about two years ago. We hit it off immediately, and before long we were living together, planning our wedding and coming up with baby names. I always knew I wanted to go through pregnancy and childbirth. Lucy always […]

6th March 2015
Planning the timing of my pregnancy and maternity leave
My partner Luke and I have decided that we’re going to start trying to have a baby! I’ve been charting my fertility and ovulation using an app, so I have a good idea of when I’m most fertile. Luke and I are both teachers, so I’m hoping to time the pregnancy so that I’m due […]