16th March 2015 | by MFC Team
New study sheds light on what qualities women look for in a sperm donor
A recent study conducted in Australia sheds light on what qualities and attributes women value in a sperm donor. Economists Stephen Whyte and Benno Torgler surveyed 70 women who were looking for potential sperm donors online through sperm-sharing websites, rather than through fertility and IVF clinics.
Published in the Journal of Bioeconomics, the researchers found that, contrary to previous beliefs, the women in the study didn’t value donors with high-profile or high-earning careers. Rather, they were most interested in donors’ behavioural traits like kindness, openness, and reliability. According to Mr. Whyte, the women selected donors based on the following:
“They’re putting behavioural traits at the top, physical aspects like eye colour and hair colour next, then, at the bottom, the least important things are income and occupation.”
The researchers hope to continue researching this area, including examining why some women seek sperm donors online via sperm sharing websites, rather than going through the sperm donation programs available through most fertility and IVF clinics.
Read more about the study here.
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